What’s the best way to smoke weed? Options explained
As of 2019, the marijuana industry has made over $52 billion in sales, and that number will only increase over time. There are many varieties of weed available on the market today; whether you’re looking for an indica, sativa or hybrid, there’s something for everyone.
But while we could go on and on about the varieties you can choose from, we have something better in mind. We are going to provide you with a quick guide that will tell you the best way to smoke weed.
Glass pipes
Glass pipes have been available for a long time. Starting from the created pipes, to the intricately designed ones, filled with colors and swirls that will surely intrigue everyone. If you’re someone who enjoys smoking from pipes, it’s no secret that part of the fun is collecting different pipes, as there are many types you can choose from.
When we say you have options when choosing pipes, we mean you have options. These are just a few of the most frequently purchased pipes today from shop here:
- A smoky spoon
- Sherlock’s hand pipe
- Glass spoon
- Space pipe
- Double layer smoke
- Steamroller
- Relaxation
- Bubbler
We could go on, but we think you get the general idea of what we want to say. If you’re looking to add to your glass pipe collection, there are several reliable suppliers that will provide you with high-quality pipes.
There is something about hearing the water inside the bong bulb that enhances the overall effect of smoking marijuana. If you’re looking for a way to make your smoking experience gentler and easier on your lungs, this is the way to go when it comes to lighting.
This is because the bong will have a cooling effect when in contact with the smoke. This means that it is not as bothersome when you swallow the smoke into your mouth. Another advantage of using a bong is that you can inhale a larger amount of smoke at once.
When you think about a vaporizer, think of it as an amplifier for your herbs. Most people choose a vaporizer as their method of smoking marijuana because they can take it anywhere with them with little or no preparation before smoking.
Some people have even found that vaping marijuana gives them a stronger high than if they smoked it traditionally.
Now we will look at the original way of smoking weed, i.e. using a joint. Joints can be considered the OG when it comes to the endless list of ways you can smoke weed.
The best thing about joints is that you can now buy them pre-rolled at dispensaries located in your area. However, you have to be careful because sometimes they do not burn as evenly as we would like.
How to roll a joint?
The first thing you will want to do is choose the herb grinders you want to use in your pond. The advantage of rolling a joint yourself is that you can combine different varieties of weed in one blunt.
Once you have selected your herb, the next step is to break it down in preparation for rolling. When it comes to breaking down weeds, you may find it easier to use a grinder.
Once you have done this, the next thing to do is to create a filter to ensure that no residue enters your mouth while you enjoy smoking. Then you will fill the rolling papers and pack the weed.
Dab Rig
If you like concentrates, a dab rig may be the right way for you to smoke weed. Using dab rigs takes a bit of a learning curve, but think of it as a heightened version of a bong.
When using a dab rig, you will want to use honey, concentrates, or wax instead of the typical dry flower you would use in the other forms we mentioned above. The dab rig heats the concentrate and vaporizes the THC for you to inhale.
The best way to smoke weed: reaching new heights
If you’re looking for the best way to smoke weed, there’s definitely something on this list that will interest you. There are plenty of ways to smoke weed, but which one is best for you and your needs.
Who knows, maybe you’re looking for some reading material while smoking, and that’s what we’re here for. We have tons of posts in this section that you’ll definitely enjoy.